Millie Rose *D
(Green Gables SOF Millie Rose)
Dam's Dam: Green Gable's USG Monte Cristo 2*P
Dam's Sire:Green Gables Spice of Freedom +B
Sire's Dam: Green Gable's EHJ Lady Nutmeg 2*P
Sire's Sire: Beloved Freedom
I am SUPER excited about what Millie Rose is bringing into our herd! First off- THOSE EARS! Need I say more!?
Her personality is exactly what I want my herd to consist of. As soon as anyone enters the goat pen, she is always one of the 1st to greet you. She loves kisses (true sign of a bottle baby) and will stick by your side the whole time you are in there. She plays "chase" with the kids and will trot after them wherever they go.
Millie Rose earned her TMGR milk star in 2021 as a first freshener! This is no surprise as she comes from a long line of superb milking lines with lots of milk and high butterfat. In fact her dam has 3 milk stars and produced 912 pounds of milk in 2020 with 50 pounds of butterfat (305 day test). Her line also has udders that are very easy to milk and nice long lactation cycles (her grand-dam milked for 18+ months)!
She is nice and wide bodied, which is important so that she has enough room to hold her kids as well as eat enough to sustain a high milk production.
I'm also thrilled with her nice wide escutcheon, which is SO important for large udders. You want them to be able to comfortably carry an udder with a lot of milk!
I also want to mention that her sire (and maternal grand-sire) has just reached the status of FINISHED CHAMPION! This means has has won Grand Champion 3 times!
Millie had quads in March of 2022! (3 doelings, 1 buckling)
Millie had twins in June of 2023! (2 doelings)
Millie was put on milk test in October of 2023 and earned a star (this was for information purposes only since she already earned her star in 2021)
Dam's udder
(Banana Muffin)
Millie's udder
(first freshening, 2021)
Mile High Mini Milkers show- 2019
TMGR Conformation Clinic- 2019
"This elegant young doeling stands on squarely-set front legs when viewed from the front, and exhibits width throughout, from the set of her eyes to the chest, crops and loin, and down to the hips, thurls and escutcheon while maintaining smooth blending from the neck into the shoulders when viewed from above. Her back is strong, slightly uphill from hips to withers, with a very level chine and a straight, wide loin. Her chest is deep and wide and she exhibits a high, wide escutcheon. She must be commended on her Nubian breed character, both in terms of her roman nose as well as the length and set to her ears."
-Evaluator: Jean Harrison (2019)
MDGA Summer 2020 Virtual Show
Judge: Katie Jackson
"H (Millie Rose) over I for Body Capacity and deeper and wider in the chest " (10th place)
-Judge: Joseph Larson
"H (Millie Rose) places over A for general appearance. She is longer in bone pattern throughout. In dairy character she is longer and leaner in her neck. In body capacity she is wider through chest floor." (10th place)
- Judge: Katie Jackson
MDGA Summer 2020 Virtual Show
Judge: Regina Tervo
"L (millie Rose) places over P for her greater width in the chest floor and for her more proper U-shaped escutcheon. L is also showing more depth and greater spring of ribs." (16th place)
-Judge: Ed Kinser
"L (Millie Rose) over R in General Appearance showing straighter legs & in Dairy Character more width carried through from chest to the escutcheon," (14th place)
- Judge: Regina Tervo
Millie's kids
Boy/Girl twins
Happy Hippies Dill Weed
Happy Hippies Lilly